上传时间:2018-06-22 点击次数:次
《中华人民共和国律师法》第二条 本法所称律师,是指依法取得律师执业证书,接受委托或者指定,为当事人提供法律服务的执业人员。
Article 2 The term “lawyer” as mentioned in this Law means a practitioner who has acquired a lawyer's practice certificate pursuant to law and provides legal services to the public upon appointment or designation.
A lawyer shall maintain the lawful rights and interests of parties concerned, ensure the correct implementation of the law and safeguard social fairness and justice
第三条 律师执业必须遵守宪法和法律,恪守律师职业道德和执业纪律。
Article 3 In his practice, a lawyer must abide by the Constitution and law, and strictly observe lawyers' professional ethics and practice disciplines.
In his practice, a lawyer must base himself on facts and take law as the criterion.
The practice of lawyers shall be subject to supervision of the State, the public and the parties concerned.
The lawful practice of lawyers shall be protected by the law and neither any organization nor an individual shall prejudice the legitimate interests of the lawyers.
第四条 司法行政部门依照本法对律师、律师事务所和律师协会进行监督、指导。
Article 4 The judicial administration department under the State Council shall supervise and guide lawyers, law firms and lawyers associations in accordance with this Law.
第十四条 律师事务所是律师的执业机构。设立律师事务所应当具备下列条件:
Article 14 A law firm is the organization in which lawyers practice. A law firm so established shall meet the following conditions:
1)Having its own name, domicile and articles of association;
2)Having lawyers who conform to the provisions of this Law;
3)The incorporator shall be a lawyer who has certain practicing experience and hasn’t been disqualified for the past three years;
4)Having assets in an amount meeting the requirements of judicial administration department of the State Council.
第十五条 设立合伙律师事务所,除应当符合本法第十四条规定的条件外,还应当有三名以上合伙人,设立人应当是具有三年以上执业经历的律师。
Article 15 If a partnership law firm is to be established, three or more partners shall be required in addition to the satisfaction of the conditions stated in Article 14 under this Law and the incorporator shall be a lawyer who has more than three-year practicing experience.